dimanche 26 janvier 2020

Microcode Customization: Planning

As finally it is now possible to create or modify a microcode fully compatible with the Nintendo SDK, I started considering what would be the best approach to tame further the N64 RSP.

For the time being it is quite obvious that starting from scratch an entire new graphic microcode is still beyond my skills so I decided that optimizing and enhancing the original Fast3D microcode would be a good exercise.

So for the last two months, I changed a bit of the Fast3D source code here and there and learnt various things about the organization of code and the way to program the RSP. 

It quickly appeared that the microcode was written with a very theoretically approach, meaning without having in mind to optimize the limited resources of the RSP. 

Few ideas came also to me about what could be implemented differently and from there I set up finally a high level plan.

The philosophy behind it would be as follow: 

1. Save a maximum space in IMEM/DMEM with little impact on the performances.

2. Implement unavailable features to match them with some slightly more "modern" versions of OpenGL from which Fast3D seems somehow to be inspired from.

After some investigations, I came up with the following:

1. Texture Rectangle RDP command being composed of 4 words, it would be normal that such command is included in the display list without being splitted into 3 commands as in Fast3D.

2. In order to save DMEM space, either get rid of some constants (i.e opengl offset, Newton's iteration constants, dram address mask, "reserved" DMEM space, include DMEM address directly into GBI commands rather than loading them from a DMEM address etc.) or reduce their size (i.e segments, light data structure, etc).

3. Implement an optional double DMA buffer for some immediate commands. Data would be retrieved from RDRAM where RSP would deal with another DMEM buffer.

4. Implement a circular buffer to store transformed vertex and generate strip triangle, with a primitive restart function. It would be possible to also use triangle list, triangle fans or where possible quads.As the vertex buffer would be reduced dramatically in size, the number of vertices contained in the buffer should be normally high. It would still be good where possible to keep indexed triangle implementation where possible.

5. Save IMEM used as some commands could be implemented differently (set/cleargeometry mode, moveword, movemem, etc.)

For a first customization, it seems ambitious enough but having done various tests, I clearly hope that it can be achieved successfully.

Next step will be much more concrete, directly into the intricate details of the microcode.

Finally feel free to share other ideas you may have as comments, yet please understand that no extreme severe modifications are to be done (i.e. Z sorting, involvement of CPU in the tasks, etc.). Thanks!

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